Hello again Cloud!
Here are your results from your trial earlier today (You / Me):
2/8 Saber duels won, 1/9 Full Force duels won.
After careful consideration, I have decided to reward you with the rank of Sith Acolyte. I look forward to training with you and watch you grow over time, and hopefully surpass me like no other. Glad to have tried you bud. Here's a description of the rank you're being rewarded. And again, Congratulations and Welcome to the Jedi and Sith Order.
Sith Acolyte (SA) - When your Master decides you are ready to move on from a mere apprentice you will be under him still; however you also have the option change Masters. This is the period where you will be learning what's right and what's wrong Sith wise, Sith knowledge, Sith ideals, YOUR Sith personal ideals, and furthermore proving your loyalty and dedication to your Order. This period stresses beginning to branch out in meeting / forming other relationships with your fellow Order members and proving your commitment / activity levels on the server and on the forums. (1 week at the least, again once your master thinks you are ready, you may move on.)